
The Medical Undergraduate student body is full of vibrant individuals with interests ranging across many different disciplines. It is this diversity that lends to the many different student clubs and organizations on campus. Medical students at the University of Toronto are involved in wide range of neighbourhood projects all aimed at allowing students to make a positive contribution to the larger community. In addition, students take part in a broad range of sports from basketball to innertube waterpolo. Students also get involved in clubs and special interest groups such as the Medical Christian Fellowship, University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP), and Orbital Groove (our very own rock band!).

The faculty is also renowned for its high-quality student publications such as The Pulse (the school newsletter) and the historic University of Toronto Medical Journal (UTMJ). And who can forget annual shows such as Daffydil, that show off the artistic talent of the student body while raising thousands of dollars for charity.

Check out the various organizations for more information and to find out how to get involved.

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Medical Society and
UofT Medicine events


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by the Medical
Alumni Association
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released in Canada
Medical Society, Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
1 King's College Circle, Room 2171
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A8

Tel: 416.946.3047
Fax: 416.978.8730